Mrs. Kristy Elliott » Makers Club

Makers Club

Makers Club is a place for students to be both creative and innovative thinkers and inventors. The club helps to prepare those who need the critical 21st century skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).  The club provides hands-on learning, helps with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence.Through electronics, online coding, 3D modeling and printing, as well as other textile/ artistic exploration, students in the club have an opportunity to use resources available to create. The only limit is their imagination!


Club meetings will be Tuesdays for grades 7/8 and Thursdays for grades 5 and 6 in room 308 from 3:45 to 4:45*. Students must be in good academic standing to attend and participate in Makers club.
During week 1 makers club grade 7 and 8 students designed and created their own notebooks. Students created and designed covers as well as hand sewed in the pages. The results were fantastic!
During week 1 makers club grades 4, 5 and 6 students learned about solid, liquids and different types of chemical reactions. It was a messy but fun time!
During week 2 makers club grade 7 and 8 students made conductive dough to experiment with electricity. They had a shockingly good time.